Tuesday 25 May 2010

Corde Lisse

Corde lisse last night went ok. We started off with the usual climbs and then did some straddle leavers. I managed four which I was happy with as I haven’t done them for ages. We then moved on to triple drop. I didn’t do the whole triple drop, I just worked on the individual parts of it. Then we looked at neck hang and the gripper. I didn’t have a go at tying the knot for neck hang but did have a go at hanging in a knot that the instructor had tied. Its not a very nice move! I didn’t managed to let go with my hands in it. I like the gripper but haven’t quite managed to grip it tightly enough yet so keep slipping down.

Monday 24 May 2010

Chinese pole

Chinese pole on Friday went ok. It was really hot so that zapped most of our motivation and energy! We went back over meathook, which was made harder by doing it on the left. I managed it eventually though, albeit messily. Apart from that we were working on the usual bits. My flag invert and shouldermount roll are still really hit and miss but I do feel that they are improving slowly.

Thursday 20 May 2010

Pole Classes Tuesday

Last nights classes went well. My two 7pm ladies are picking it all up really quickly. The weather has changed so the poles were nice and sticky which made for a good 8pm class as everyone in that group is now inverting. We also looked at the Cupid which everyone managed to get with various degrees of success.

As usual no personal practice aside from the normal Shoulder mount. I’ve just remembered that I was supposed to do an air invert practice as well but I forgot!

Tuesday 18 May 2010

Pole Thursday and Chinese Pole Friday

Went to pole class again on Thursday. It went a little better than last week. I decided to work on a few things that I hadn’t done for a very long time. Mainly the Superman and the Knee Hold. I was never very confident with either of these moves and as expected I have lost both of them, however, I am confident that I’ll get them back fairly quickly provided I keep practicing! Also practicing a few other bits and pieces. Have got my air invert back again. Its messy but it will be back nice and strong in no time.

Chinese pole on Friday went quite well. No further progress with my straight edge but it had not got worse either so that’s ok. I had a quick go at the knee hold and managed it first time so just need to transfer this over to the ordinary pole now!

Thursday 13 May 2010

Rope and Pole

Corde Lisse class on Monday went ok but I was a little disappointed with my performance. We split into two groups and had to think of a move each and then link them all together. My move was Washing Line (a nice easy one!) and the other moves were Sitting Loop Salto, Ankles and Gazelle. I have done all except Sitting Loop Salto before. Sitting Loop is from Front Balance which I was struggling with a bit (I think because its been a while since I’ve done it and it never was a strong move for me anyway). I didn’t manage it but with a bit of practice it is certainly achievable. My Washing Line and Gazelle were both fine and I didn’t get round to looking at Ankles as the class seemed to go really quickly!

My pole classes last night were better attended than last week. I had three people in each class so that was quite nice. Everyone did really well again getting at least one new move each. My lady from last week managed the full crucifix so her aim for next time is to start looking at Gemini / Scorpio. Another lady that had been struggling with the Butterfly got her head around it and managed to get it briefly so working on tidying it up and holding it longer next week.

No time for any personal practice, just the usual quick shoulder mount at the end.

Monday 10 May 2010

Pole and Chinese Pole

Thursday I decided to go along to a pole class as I have not been getting any personal practice in and I definitely need it. I was quite horrified at how many moves I have lost or that have just turned very sloppy so getting more practice in needs to become a priority!

I haven’t been to a Chinese pole class for months so I wasn’t sure how I would get on In Fridays class, especially as I had been so disappointed with my performance in pole class the previous evening. However, I ended up quite pleased.
I had remembered everything pretty well. The only thing I struggled a bit with (that I hadn’t previously) was the front balance but I managed it eventually, it just needs tidying up now. Also something that I noticed (and its something I had noticed in the past as well) is that my shoulder mount on the Chinese pole is decidedly iffy, whereas on an ordinary pole its normally pretty good. I have no idea why that is !

My big achievement of the class was that I managed my first ever Straight Edge. I only held it for a second but I was really pleased as I see it as big progress. I can now work on holding it for longer and getting confident in it.

Thursday 6 May 2010

Pole Class Tuesday

Tuesday night saw the start of my new 7pm Tuesday pole class. I decided to start a 7pm class in addition to my 8pm class as the latter regularly fills up. I only had one person for the 7pm class but I have had a fair few enquiries so hopefully some of those will turn into bookings for next week.

I was expecting four people for the 8pm class but only one turned up (which was a bit annoying as I’d brought two poles and crash mats which had to be carried up the stairs and set up when one set would have been fine). But we had a good lesson and she managed to get an unassisted cheaty (using armpit grip) inverted crucifix and I think that next week she should be able to get a full inverted crucifix without too much trouble.

Again no personal practice except for the usual demonstrating moves and quick shoulder mount practice at the end. I find teaching one – to – ones a lot more taxing than teaching groups though.