Monday 23 May 2011


I’ve been feeling ill for the past week so not really done a lot. Hoping to get back into it this week though starting with the return of Corde Lisse tonight. Circomedia aren’t running the Monday eve class in St Pauls at the moment due to availability issues and I (and most of the rest of the class) were unable to attend the alternative Thursday eve class in Kingswood that they put on so the instructor has started up his own classes on a Monday evening at The Island. I’ve never been to the island for a class before so will be interested to see it. I’ve seen in in photos and videos from my friends silks class and it looks like a nice space. Not as nice as the church in St Pauls but a lot nicer than The Albany so will soon see!

Pole wise I felt I was getting my mojo back a bit after a bad start to the year (I’m hoping the week off that I’ve had hasn’t put me back again). Robyn at 360 Pole in Bristol had a birthday pole jam a couple of weekends ago which was good fun. I like a good jam, it’s nice to catch up with people that you don’t see very often and see what everyone else is working on.

My classes are still going well, it was a quite one last week but I was actually quite glad as I was feeling ill and felt like I was going to fall off the pole every time I touched it! Hopefully that has gone now as I am expecting this week to be back to normal attendance.

I have been given the go ahead by my venue to buy some semi-permanent poles so I hope to get those ordered this week and fitted soon. They will really speed up my set up and packing away times plus I won’t have to lug three heavy x-poles around with me which I am looking forward to.

So hopefully fully back into the swing of things this week.

Tuesday 3 May 2011

UK Pole Dance Day

May 1st was UK Pole Dance day. This is an annual event done by the performers society, Equity. The idea of the day is to promote pole and get people involved. I wasn’t going to do anything but decided (somewhat last minute, just three weeks before) to hold a free taster session. The session went quite well. Three of my regular students came along to help out and have a play on the poles. I also had four people that had never tried pole before. Two ladies and two men who one of my regular students had brought along. Everyone seemed to enjoy it, I know I certainly did.

The day that before a couple of friends had been round my house for an afternoon of pole. We all worked quite hard and did quite well. It was fun and something I hope to do more often. I have a scaffold pole ready to make a Chinese pole for the garden so I’m hoping for a good summer so we can make use of that.

Pole on Thursday went well. I was pleased because I got the genie pose with one hand. I hadn’t attempted the genie at all for at least a year (at which time I couldn’t do it at all) so I was pleased that I got the one handed version. I will now be working towards no hands which hopefully won’t take too long (I did manage it for about a second on Saturday during the pole session at home). I’m glad I got a new move, it’s made me feel better about pole again as I had been back in a bit of a rut after a horrible start to the year followed by my shoulder injury that stopped me doing a lot of training.

My classes are still going well. The 8:15pm class is full and I have been getting new enquiries so hopefully I can get a few more people to join the earlier class as well soon.

I haven’t been to parkour since as my Friday nights have been busy but going back this week. There is a pole jam in Bristol on Sunday to look forward to as well. No Corde lisse at the moment though as the church that the classes are held in is in use for other tings for a while so the classes have been moved elsewhere and to Thursdays which is no good for me. I have put my name down for a master class with Jukka Juntti though so hopefully that will go ahead.