Tuesday 20 March 2012

Pole Dance Challenge Week 7

Last week I danced to The Pretty Reckless – My Medicine which is a great song to pole too, I really enjoyed it. I also remembered to include a lot more stuff this time so I think it was a little less repetitive.

I have decided that from now on I will start slowly including tricks into my freestyle dances. Only one or two at first but gradually building up over time. After all the whole point of this challenge is to improve fluidity and flow of the whole thing. I think my dance now is much improved from where it was seven weeks ago so we’ll see how things go when I start including some tricks!

Tuesday 13 March 2012

Pole Dance Challenge Week 6

Last week I danced to ZZ Top – Legs which was suggested by a friend. I threw in a few tricks this time as the friend that suggested the song is not a pole person so I wanted to show that I do tricks as well as dance should I decide to share the video. I ended up having a complete mind block though when dancing and ended up reverting back to boring and repetitive like I was doing for the first few weeks of the challenge, although it is all flowing a lot better now than it was back then (so the challenge is working). Watching the video back it isn’t as bad as I thought it was going to be. Technically there were only minor things wrong with it, it was just a bit boring! On the way home I kept remembering all the things I had been planning to put in but forgot. Like hip circles and bodywaves. Yes, really. How did I manage to forget that!

Tuesday 6 March 2012

Pole Dance Challenge Week 5

I can’t believe it’s been five weeks since I started this challenge (well technically tonight it’s six weeks since I’m always late posting…), it’s gone by so quickly!

Last week I danced to Christina Aguilera – Not Myself Tonight. Normally I decide in advance what I’m going to dance to but this time I didn’t and I think that was a mistake. I love Christina but I wasn’t really feeling the song for some reason. I chose it in a hurry and I think that reflected in my dancing which I felt wasn’t as good as the previous two weeks. I have tonights song chosen so hopefully I’ll get back to feeling like I am progressing.

Tuesday 28 February 2012

Pole Dance Challenge Week 4 (plus corde lisse and gymnastics)

Last week I chose a different style of music for my freestyle dance as suggested by one of my students. I danced to Nero – Guilt. I enjoyed it as it was nice for a bit of a change. I’ll probably go back to rock tonight though! I feel that my freestyles are slowly becoming less repetitive and I am actually starting to enjoy doing them now so that’s good. I might even start posting the videos soon!

Last night was the last Corde Lisse class for a few weeks. It was a good class working on back balance (which I still can’t do), budda and catchers into key of stomach neatly. Since there is no gymnastics for a few weeks I took the opportunity to use the space and crash mats to do a bit of handstand and cartwheel practice. We had a little gymnastics club going on in the corner of the space at the end of the corde lisse class which caused some amusement. I was quite pleased with my handstands and cartwheels, they do seem to be improving steadily so that’s good.

Tuesday 21 February 2012

Pole Dance Challenge Week 3 (plus other updates)

Last week I danced to Garbage – Only Happy When It Rains. I really enjoyed dancing to that song, it was a bit faster than the previous two weeks’ songs which made for a bit of a change. I still struggled with repetitiveness though but think I am improving a bit. I have no idea what I want to dance to tonight will have to see what takes my fancy at the time!

I have carried on with the gymnastics classes on Saturdays and I’m really enjoying it. It’s quite challenging but already I can see some improvements in my handstands, cartwheels and flexibility. They are away at competitions for the next three weeks though so no classes. I have exercises to do so must try and keep them up.

There is a South West Pole Showcase coming up in April and several of my students are interested in taking part so from tonight we will be looking at coming up with a routine and putting a little show together which is exciting.

Tuesday 14 February 2012

Pole Dance Challenge – Week 2

Bit late with this post again! Last week was week two of my pole dance challenge and I think there was a small improvement on the first week so things are moving in the right direction!

I danced to Staind – Outside which comes in at just under 5 minutes so I was quite pleased with myself for dancing to the whole thing. It did get a bit repetitive but not as much as last week, although I did cheat slightly and put a shoulder mount in there! I’m not sure how I’m going to manage to make this weeks dance less repetitive. I haven’t watched any pole videos this week to get ideas from as I’ve had lots of other stuff going on. Oh well, we’ll see how things go later.

Tuesday 7 February 2012

Pole Challenge Week 1 (plus other updates)

This week has gone by fast!
Well I started my pole challenge after class last Tuesday. I was worried that I wasn’t going to be able to do it as I had forgotten to charge my mp3 player and camera and both were flashing low but luckily they both held on! I danced to Avenged Sevenfold – Gunslinger. Watching the video back I wasn’t as horrified with it as I thought I would be! I started off ok although I did start running out of ideas pretty quickly. I have been watching videos this week for ideas so hopefully tonight it will be a little less repetitive (although I’m bound to have a mind blank as soon as I start). I’m not posting the video. I’m thinking I’ll make a montage in a few weeks time when there will hopefully be some improvement to show!

I will post a video of the opening dance at Miss Pole Dance Australia though. This video is my new inspiration. If I can get to be even half as good as these ladies then I’ll be super happy!

In other news corde lisse has been going quite well. We have been working on pickups and meathooks which I really like and they have been improving nicely. Last night I had a little play on the aerial hoop as well which I enjoyed (much to my surprise – I hated trapeze). Tempted to go to a one off hoop class at some point.

On Saturday I did a gymnastics class. The gym where I teach pole has a competitive gymnastics squad and I was allowed to join their training session. It was great fun and I think it will really help my pole as I plan on going every week. I was working on handstands, cartwheels and straddle levers. My legs ached loads on Sunday! Looking forward to next week.

Monday 30 January 2012

Pole Dance Challenge

I have decided to set myself a pole dance challenge. I want to improve my flow and make my pole dance more fluid and graceful which is something I feel I lack at the moment. It takes me so long to master new tricks I just seem to spend all my time doing that and the overall art of it all suffers as a result, so I have decided that I need to do something about it.

I am going to do regular freestyle dances and video them and post the videos here (possibly. I might chicken out of that last bit to start with!). Hopefully if I manage to keep it up regularly I should start to see some improvement. I’m going to start simple, with mainly dance and floor work elements and then as I get more comfortable with it I’ll start adding in more tricks, although it’s not about seeing how many tricks I can jam in, it’s about making sure that what I do put in fits and flows and is well executed. Hopefully this will also help improve my stamina as well because at the moment the only time I dance to a full song is when I’m in training for a competition.

Of course I’ll still be learning new tricks as well and I’ll keep up the occasional posts on how that’s getting on (I’m currently working on improving my split grip Ayesha / Straight Edge and the Holly Drop).

I’d be happy to receive song suggestions if anyone wants to send me any. I mostly like rock / metal but open to most music really.

Also if anyone has any comments / suggestions / constructive criticisms on the videos feel free to send me those as well. Oh, and if you think I’m not sticking to the plan feel free to give me a kick up the backside and tell me to get on with it!

I'm planning on doing the first video after class tomorrow so hopefully I'll be posting it sometime on Wednesday.

Tuesday 10 January 2012

Looking back at 2011 and goals for 2012

2011 started off badly, I was going through some tough times personally and it affected my pole. I managed to lose pretty much all of the progress I had made at the end of 2010 when training for Pole Divas which was disappointing. Things started picking up though and by the start of the summer I felt I was beginning to progress again. I was tempted to enter the UKPPC but decided I wasn’t ready and so just entered the Bristol Pole Championships (BPC) instead which gave me more time to train and prepare. Leading up to the BPC I was considering pulling out on several occasions but I’m glad I went ahead with it as having the competition to focus on really helped my pole training and I feel I started to make more significant progress. I was not that happy with my performance on the day, I messed it up in a few places and it should have been neater but I’m I did it and I will probably do it again this year! Since the competition I have managed to keep my momentum going and have still been improving. Most notably by getting my Ayesha and straight edge which I have been working on. They are still not 100% but I’m getting them most of the time now so I think it won’t be long until they are reliable. I managed to get in a bit of practice over the Christmas and new year break. Normally I end up doing nothing for two weeks but I only went one week with no activity this time. I’m hoping I can keep up the progress into 2012.

My pole goals for 2012 are –
Get my Ayesha / straight edge completely reliable and neat
Be able to lift my shoulder mount
Get more new moves (I’ve been doing quite well with this lately so hopefully that will continue)
Make everything neater, remember to point toes etc.
Do more routines to help with flow, grace and stamina
Do more work on moves that I tend to avoid (mostly layback related stuff)

I think they are all pretty obtainable!