Monday 8 August 2011

Lots of activity!

Well last week was a busy one. I was back at Corde Lisse on Monday after 5 weeks off and so found it quite tough going. It’s good to be back though and it was nice to see everyone. Looking forward to tonight’s class although I don’t have much energy at the moment!

My pole classes on Tuesday were quite, August has officially kicked in! As I only had one person in the later class I managed to get a little bit of practice in which was good. Also now that I am using semi-permanent poles I don’t mind so much when I have less people than expected as I haven’t lugged heavy x-poles up the stairs and put them up for no reason!

Bootcamp as usual on Wednesday. It’s going pretty well, I can definitely feel that my overall fitness has improved.

Went to pole class on Thursday as normal. I was quite worn out by this point so was quite glad that it was heels week and we spent a lot of the lesson working on a spinning sequence. I did have a go at shoulder mount from sitting and nearly managed to get all the way up, I will have this soon, it’s so close. I also managed a few ok-ish ayshas. The longest I held one was about four seconds so not too bad.

On Sunday I had a “garden” pole party for my birthday (which isn’t quite yet but this weekend was a good date to hold it). In typical British summer fashion it was pouring down with rain all day so the planned pole stage in the garden and the BBQ didn’t happen but I did manage to fit two poles up in my lounge by pushing all of the furniture out of the way. One of the pole was an x-pole and the other was a Chinese pole made by putting rubber tubing onto an x-pole and it worked nicely and went down really well with everyone.

Monday 1 August 2011

General update

Well as you can see the blogging more often has been a failure so far! In fact July has pretty much been a failure and I’m glad to see the back of it! A lot has been going on in the past month which has left me lacking in motivation and energy but now I hope I’m back to some kind of normality and ready to go again.

My pole classes remain busy. They are no longer full but still have a healthy attendance so that’s good. It always goes quiet over the summer anyway so I expect it to get busier again in September. I’ve been working on re-designing my website and hope to have the new version up and running sometime this month. One of my students is due to do her PDC level 3 grading this month, she works really hard and has achieved a lot.

I covered a pole party for Robyn at 360 pole dancing in Bristol on Saturday. I haven’t taught a party for ages so it was quite good to get back into that.

My personal pole practice has been ticking along slowly. My no handed genie has improved (although is still in need of a lot of polishing and practice!) and I feel that I am slowly making progress with my aysha again, I think I will have it back before too long.

It’s my birthday this month so next weekend I am holding a garden mini pole jam at my house. The idea started as some of my students said they wanted to have a go on a stage pole and a Chinese pole so I said I would do something in the summer so that they could. I am planning on building an outdoor Chinese pole but haven’t had time as yet but hopefully I’ll be able to buy the rubber this week and get an x-pole up to use as a Chinese pole.

I am considering entering the UK Professional Pole Championships. This is a new national competition for instructors with three different levels of which I would be entering the lowest level – Instructor (the other two being Professional and Elite). The first round is by video submission for which the closing date is 31st August. I’m not sure if I’m going to be ready by then. I have picked a song and have part of the routine worked out but all of my moves require polishing and I need to be able to pull off that aysha convincingly. I’ll see how things go!

I haven’t been to corde lisse all month as I was late trying to book onto the last block and it sold out before I could book my place. The new block starts tonight though and I am signed up to it so looking forward to getting back to that. Hopefully I won’t have lost too much strength.

I’ve still been going to bootcamp every week. That’s going well, I can see improvement.