Friday 24 September 2010

Pole again

I did a pole photo shoot on Wednesday evening. The photos are going to be used on my website which I am planning to redesign and on promotional items such as flyers and the Facebook group. The shoot went well, I think we got some nice shots. I was pretty achy Thursday morning though as I didn’t stretch afterwards and it was pretty much an hour of doing move after move and holding them all long enough to take a few photos.

Last night I went to pole class. I got on alright, I now feel that the Aysha is within reach. I was attempting the elbow grip version and I felt that I had a good grip in my bent arm but was unsure about my lower supporting arm. I will get there, I’m sure I’m strong enough (I have done a straight edge on the Chinese pole so I know I can hold my weight) it just a case of finding the right position and trusting my grip. I was also working on getting my Lunchbox back. I think I’m fairly close with this but I seem to be suffering from slippy hands which really isn’t helping!

Wednesday 22 September 2010

Not much pole and some corde lisse!

My pole class has been quiet for the last two weeks. I’ve put the 7:15pm on hold until October as its been empty and last night and the week before I had just three people in the 8:15pm class. Those three are all progressing really well. I’m starting to prepare one lady for inverts and think she will have the basic invert in a couple of weeks.

I’m doing a pole photoshoot tonight so that I have some nice new photos ready for a re-vamp of my website. Once I have the photos I’ll also make up some flyers and do a bit of advertising to hopefully increase class numbers again.

Last week I didn’t go to any pole classes. I went to a Dom Joly talk and book signing on the Thurs and then competition practice was cancelled on Friday due to lack of people. I did a bit of practice at home instead on Friday night, mostly going over the first section of my routine for the competition.

Monday nights Corde Lisse class went well. We were mainly working on Figurehead which is quite a simple move but it looks really nice. We also did quite a lot of conditioning as well which I like doing. The instructor, Gareth, has lovely pointy toes which you don’t see much in circus performers but it makes the moves look so much nicer then the usual circus flexed feet.

Tuesday 14 September 2010

Lots of pole and a little bit of rope

I did my last pole hen party on 4th Sept (I have since changed insurance companies and am no longer covered for parties so can’t do them any more). It was my biggest one ever with 12 people taking part, one of whom was male, and all of whom were dressed as old ladies ! It was fun, they all seemed to enjoy it.

My 7:15pm class on 7th Sept for some reason ended up empty so I made the most of the time to do some practice. My 8:15pm class was by contrast nearly full. Everyone is doing really well, one person came back after about six weeks off. She did really well and didn’t seem to have lost much strength so that was good. I also had a couple of new starters who seemed to enjoy it.

I went to pole class on the Thursday and did alright. I’m slightly concerned that my lunchbox is not coming back and I really need it to as I want to put it in my competition routine!

There is a new competition practice running Friday nights now so I went along to that as well. Was practicing my combinations for my routine and still trying to get that pesky lunchbox back (without success sadly).

I was back at corde lisse last night. We were mostly focusing on conditioning this week which was quite good. We have two instructors this time who are sharing the block. Tanya Scully who has taken the class before (and also teaches the Chinese pole classes that I go to) and Gavin who I had not met before so it will be good to see what he has to offer, I like learning off of a range of people as you get more variety and a mix of styles which I think is a good thing.

Friday 3 September 2010

More Pole

Tuesdays classes were quiet, I was expecting five people to the 7:15 class but no-one turned up ! I made the most of the time by having a little practice. I went back over the Teenagers routine to get myself back into the flow of routines and to build up stamina so that the 4.5 – 5 min routine at the comp does not kill me! I was only expecting three people to the 8:15pm class and luckily they all showed up. They all did really well and are learning fast.

I went to pole class last night and was pleased. I thought I was going to be rubbish at first as I was feeling a bit ill but once I got into the swing of it I was fine. Did my first caterpillar climb (with help) and was working on a little sequence that I am planning on including in my routine. I had a big red hot patch on the top of my leg from lots of hip holds!