Tuesday 26 October 2010

Lots and Lots of Pole!

I’ve been really bad at updating this, which is a shame as I have worked so hard on my pole recently. The Pole Divas competition was on Saturday and I have spent weeks preparing, poling most days. My main goals were to get that elusive Aysha and to get my Lunchbox back so that both could be included in my competition routine. I (just) succeeded on one but not the other.

I did get my lunchbox back but it was (and still is) really hit and miss so I decided to take it out of my routine and concentrate more on the aysha. I worked so hard to get it and had just about given up hope when I managed it on Thursday. Two days before the competition!

I was training every day for the two weeks leading up to the competition. On reflection this was too much. I had to cancel my Tuesday pole class as I was too tired to take it and I knew that if I didn’t give my body a rest then I would be worn out before it was time to compete.

I was quite looking forward to the competition early in the week but as it got closer my nerves increased. This wasn’t helped by a bad run through on Friday night! (Although watching the video back the run through didn’t go as badly as I thought it did at the time).

Saturday came I was so nervous. I knew several of the other competitors and that helped as everyone was so lovely and friendly. There were two categories on before mine – Amateur and Advanced Amateur. I was in the Professional category and was first on which pleased me as I wanted to get it over and done with! My routine went ok. I managed my Aysha so I was really pleased about that. I did manage to forget the whole middle section of my routine so I made some of it up as I went along! I also started my hip hold sequence too soon which upset my timings a little but it was all ok. I also managed my meathook which had been a little hit and miss in practice sessions. My routine was messier than I would have liked. I messed up my air inverts, I think I had just worn myself out and didn’t really have the energy left to do them nicely! My double spin was also very messy which was mostly due to my slippy hands and also it was in the bit of my routine that I forgot so I knew I had to put it in but was confused about where as I had not done the preceding stuff that I was supposed to do!

Overall I enjoyed competing. It was a good experience and I learnt a lot from doing it. I had so much help and support from friends, both in helping me with my practice and giving me encouragement during training through to watching and cheering me on on the night and I couldn’t have done it without that.